Ka-Ching Cartoons is an animation studio in the heart of Rotterdam. The studio specializes in short films, commercials and tv shows. Its clients include Terre des hommes, BNN, Efteling and Halfords.


Thursday, May 22, 2008


Get your tickets everyone!
Tommorow the 23rd of may we'll have a '3D Machine' screening in competition,
at the 'NFTVM VERS' . starting at 21.00 in Het Ketelhuis in Amsterdam.
or later during the weekend there is the 'URBAN EXPLORERS' festival in Dordrecht.
they will show 'the 3D-Machine' all weekend long for all who is at the festival.
And for the ones who can't make it you can check out the 'AMSTERDAM SHORTS' festival .
in the special Kids programme 'AMSTERDAM SHORTIES',
they will show 'the 3D Machine' and 'The Shoebox'
on may 31st at 15:00 and june 1st at 13:00 @ Kriterion3

Monday, May 12, 2008


We recently animated a tv commercial for Halfords, a car and bike accessories-shop.
We worked with the designs from Richard Simonse from Shop Around
it was an old style comic book-commercial and very much fun to do.
we'll be working on at least 4 more of these!
this one will be on tv untill the end of may.
Here are some stills:

Cold Hard Flash

Aaron Simpson from Coldhardflash.com has a cool post on the 3D-Machine! You can watch the trailer and see the extras that were featured on the dvd.
Just click the link.


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Skunk is in Holland!

SKUNK FU, the series we've worked in ireland is finally broadcasted in Holland.
Everyday you can see the series on Jetix!
And yes! It's dubbed in Dutch!
Even the rap-title-song is now in a funny language!